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"As an ex-pat family that moved from Australia to Denver, our little family were so blessed to meet Lori Daniels. She so ably made our relocation less stressful as we knew that we not only had a reliable teacher for our then five year old daughter but also a teacher with a profound generosity of spirit and innate connection to all the children in our daughter’s classroom. What particularly struck me was that Lori did not stop at the classroom door in her sharing of wisdom. Lori organized and led parent discussion group sessions on a wide variety of thought-provoking topics. I feel given the divisiveness gripping our society and the complexities of bringing up children in the modern age, the group session concept is such a useful forum for parents to share ideas and feelings in a safe environment. The world would undoubtedly be a better place if there were more teachers and thought-provoking leaders like Lori teaching our children.” 

James Perry - Parent


"Lori Daniels has played an integral role in our son Thomas’ early education.  When researching early childhood education programs around Denver, we quickly discovered that it was not a particular program that we had been searching for, but rather someone like Lori herself.  Her approach to educating young children resonates with us as a family.  She has a very delicate yet effective demeanor that made all of the children in our son’s class feel equal and included, while at the same time allowing them their own freedom to explore themselves and their relationship with the children around them.  Our son happens to have some disabilities that limits him physically and without any hesitation, and by no requirement of the Denver school system, she opened her classroom and heart to our little man.  From day one she took on the responsibility of helping him maneuver the classroom and playground, always helping him to be 100% included in the activities going on.  We cannot say enough about Lori and what she means to our family.  She is truly one of a kind." 

Dave Stedronsky - Parent 

"My two children had Lori as their preschool teacher at the Denver Waldorf School. Her loving presence in their lives will never be forgotten by our family. Our girls' faces still light up when we remember Lori through story. As a parent, I often sought out Lori's guidance on different struggles I was having supporting my oldest child's more sensitive positioning in the world. I felt comfortable consulting Lori on vulnerable parenting topics because of her warmth of presence, humanness and relatability. I see that she has an intuition for the experience of children that goes deeper and beyond regular parenting advice. She has a wealth of knowledge, and she takes the time to truly understand the nuanced and individual needs of the families and children she works with." 

Julia Olson, MA, LPC

Parent and Psychotherapist


"Ms. Lori is an outstanding educator for both children and parents. Her earnest passion and kind heart put us at ease, trusting that her practical and informed approach is guiding our daughter for exactly what she needs, when she needs it (often the opportunity to figure something out for herself in a loving and safe environment). I've been lucky to attend the parent coffee's and parent nights that Ms. Lori hosts (on her own initiative), and have picked up many tips and tricks that help me be a better dad and navigate the often unpredictable challenges our young child brings. I'm incredibly grateful to Ms. Lori for her time, energy, and guidance!" 

Tim Hudson - Parent


"I know Lori as my child's teacher, as a colleague and as a friend. She gifted my son with a rich, invigorating and conscious kindergarten year. I worked along side her at City of Lakes Waldorf School where she was always ready with a smile and a helpful word with parents. Her observations were sensitive, supportive, and usually included just the right humorous anecdote to keep everyone grounded. As my professional career has changed, Lori has given me professional guidance while working with educational support for students with reading challenges. Lori has an enlivening presence, sensed clearly by children and valued tremendously by families in her care."

Jenny Nelson, MEd.

Parent and Orton Gillingham Reading Specialist


2180 S. Madison Street, Denver, CO  80210


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